This is a bench scraper. I was first introduced to this amazing tool by Carole Walter during her baking class. She used it for everything.
Bench scrapers can be used in the following ways:
1. level off dry goods when measuring them
2. making slits in dough
3. transferring delicate dough/flipping said dough over
4. cleaning the flour off your workspace during and after kneading dough
Bench scrapers are fantastic tools and far from expensive-I bought a large one for myself for $7.
Off topic, but I recognize that I should have preceeded my last post with an explanation for my hiatus. Well, here are the reasons:
1. grad school sucks. no, really. I have no life now because of my classes. I'm registering for my summer and fall classes soon, so I'm hoping for an easier schedule before I lose my life to student teaching.
2. work. I'm still working twenty hours a week at my retail job, which sucks away my free time during the weekend.
3. vacation. I just got home about a week ago from a ten day trip to Israel. It was amazing and I cannot wait to go back.